Want to camp with us?
Hey there, welcome to Illumination Village! Our little community is made up of a bunch of small theme camps, and we’re always happy to have volunteers help out with art shifts on the playa. It’s a great way for us to get to know you and see which camp and vibe might be the best fit for you.
We like to keep things organic around here and let our community grow naturally from within. So if you’re looking to join us, we generally prefer to connect with folks we know or who come recommended by one of our Ill-Ville veterans. That said, we’re always open to meeting new people and seeing what kind of magic we can create together.

Apply to be a theme camp in the village:
- Adhere to the 10 principles of Burning Man.
- Complete the Statement of Intent, connect with the Mayors and obtain approval from the Village Council members.
- Your camp must offer interactive space and/or artwork.
- Have an appropriate number of members signed up for your theme camp to support your art/interactivity.
- Each member of your camp must sign up for and complete a minimum of 2 village volunteer shifts.
- Pay any applicable dues and fees.
- Have a camp lead and co-lead who attend Village planning meetings.
- Ensure members of your camp are actively participating in Village planning and discussions.
- Join the event on the Playa.
- Contribute to the community in a positive and meaningful way.
- Leave no trace behind when the event is over.